#2 Doodle Art

#2 crab shapes

I didn’t make it to college until I was a fully fledged adult. And by that I mean I’d had enough of doing menial work for low pay. There had to be something else. I thought maybe college was it, so I enrolled in classes and the rest is history: here I am with two graduate degrees, smart as can be.

Upon my re-entry into orbit, as I sat in classrooms listening to lectures, I often found myself doodling, just as I had many years before in high school. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in the lessons. Actually, it was quite the opposite. Doodling occupied some part of my brain that would otherwise have been bored, so by letting that part of my brain amuse itself, the school part of my brain remained unencumbered enough to go about the business of taking notes and not falling asleep. This might be what they talk about when they discuss left and right brain hemispheres.

I grew to love doodling and was sometimes very pleased with the results. I fantasized about having a doodle-art show in a cafe, where people would have to lean in really close and squint to make out the images. “Oh, my,” they would say, stepping back to take a breath, “that’s simply grand!”

As that day has not yet arrived, I thought a good way to share them would be to use them as illustrations on blog posts. So that’s what I’ve done, a new one each time. I post them in honor of all doodle-bugs out there who find that doodling helps them think straight.


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